About Unicell
Unicell is a creative, resourceful manufacturer with a strong commitment to customer service. Innovative and flexible, we have successfully brought to market several ground breaking, “best in class” products. Our major products are truck bodies for Ford and General Motors trucks. Our basic models are the Aerocell, Aerocell CW, the Servicell II, the ClassiCube, and the Dry Freight. We build an almost unlimited number of custom variations to these basic products. We are also a supplier of truck equipment manufactured by other top companies.
Having already been pioneers in the development of sustainable transportation, we remain committed to continue to be leaders in this area.
We are an international company. Our headquarters are in Buffalo, New York, and Toronto, Ontario.
Contact us at cdnsales@unicell.com.
The Unicell group consists of two companies:
Unicell Body Company of Buffalo, Rochester, and Albany, New York and Unicell Ltd. of Toronto, Ontario.
Shared Heritage
Also in the 80’s, as part of developing a commercially successful one-piece fiberglass body, Unicell developed its own patented molding process. The automated process makes for clean, efficient use of materials and minimizes labor.
In the 2000’s, we developed new bodies for both the Ford and GM single rear wheel cutaways, first the distinctive Aerocell SRW, or “egg” or “bubble” or “guppy” as some call it, and then the Aerocell CW, a more conventionally shaped aerodynamic body.
Also in the 2000’s we did pioneering work with electric trucks, first with our own, revolutionary “QuickSider”, which we did in partnership with Purolator courier, Meritor, Transport Canada and Sustainable Development Technology Canada, and then on the Navistar eStar.